Monday, March 21, 2011

Bexar County Democratic Party Chair Dan Ramos: Defiant and Irresponsible

This blog by Randy Bear, he’s arguing that the chairman of the Democratic Party of Bexar County in San Antonio, Dan Ramos, needs to resign from his position because of his defiant and irresponsibility action. In an interview, his statement to the LGBT community is as follow, “I liken [Stonewall Democrats] to the Tea Party - the Tea Party and the f***ing Nazi Party - because they're 90 percent white, blue-eyed, and Anglo, and I don't give a s*** who knows that," because of that, several people have ask him, including state party chair Boyd Richie, to step down. Randy compares him to Gaddafi in Libya because he refuses to do so. In addition to that, Randy and several others noted that Ramos does not have the leadership to manage the organization and instead of leading it, he’s destroying it. “Those comments and his failure to retract them demonstrate his unsuitability to hold any position of leadership," says an editorial from Express-News that is agreeing with Randy and the others. In a letter to Bexar County Democrats, Richie stated that he wanted to “move the county organization forward and create a more meaningful dialogue.” In his conclusion, Randy says he has live in San Antonio for 23 years and he had never seen such behavior and defiance from an individual before, and that Ramos should do the right thing and resign so the organization can move forward. I agree with the author because being a chairman doesn’t mean you can act in whatever manner you want.